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Roadtrip (and Cuyahoga)

We won't be traveling to Minnesota for either Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, with the baby due in December. So we decided to go in...

The Electoral College

The Presidential election is tomorrow. It'd certainly be best if we know the winner sooner rather than later. Today I think it's a good...

Minnesota vs Maryland: driving

It turns out lots of behaviors you learn and know in life are largely regional, and this becomes profoundly clear when leaving your...

Room shift

It's often said the time to move a toddler out of their crib is when they start climbing out. That never happened for us. Instead we...


On (Fri) Sept 18th of this year, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away at 87. She was a political and cultural icon well...

Golf league @ PB Dye

This post definitely goes with the idea this blog is sometimes a sorta virtual scrapbook. Ideally, whether or not I write for that long,...

Some minor reorganization

I, shall we say, can be a bit obsessive about organization and tidiness. In general this is seen in the way our house looks but...

It's been a week

We've started potty training in earnest, which my wife courageously began without me during my weekend in Vegas. Our son went naked waist...

Vegas (and traveling) during Covid

Think of me what you will, but a friend and I traveled to Las Vegas this past weekend. After getting a few nights comped at the Palazzo...

Making mocktails

If you actually know me and didn't already know the following I apologize for not sharing. We're expecting our second child in December....

Sick and tired

This was supposed to be a happy post. Going to be called 'The boys are back!' I'd cover the return of baseball over the weekend. It's...

Am I ready?

I really tried to finish enough blog posts to cover an absence of more than a week. Not quite succeeding, at least I only missed one....

2! Where has the time gone?

Our son Jack turned two. I can barely believe it. It doesn't, by any means, feel like we brought him home yesterday. I was still working...

I'm embarrassed...

to consider myself a Minnesotan right now. Minnesotans hugely pride themselves on their way of life, which includes having competent and...

Sanity check

Since we moved to Maryland in 2014, I've always been at home. Most of that time I had a remote job in software QA. Things definitely...


The movie idea I had for today got pushed. (Swear I owned the DVD, but apparently not.) So instead, I'm blogging about blogging. It's...

Holding pattern

It's a weird time, since nobody really has any idea how long this coronavirus ish will last. Social distancing seems to be necessary but...

Boy, that escalated quickly

Since it's really the only thing happening right now, might as well write about the coronavirus, COVID-19. It's been some 24 hours. Last...

To sleep or not to sleep

As I get older, sleep continues to grow in importance. This certainly isn't unique to me. But I used to stay up really late, especially...

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