Our daily ('extra tangy' sourdough) bread
A while back I wrote a post after we picked up some starter, on my first loaf of sourdough bread . It was easy and quick but used instant...
A while back I wrote a post after we picked up some starter, on my first loaf of sourdough bread . It was easy and quick but used instant...
We got a quarter cow three years ago and, while most everything is long gone from the freezer, we still had a number of packages labeled...
Friends from our church invited us over for a chili cook-off this past weekend, and both my wife and I made one. Hers was a longtime...
We've been tempted to get into sourdough for a while now. The bread and the rest are super tasty but going down that road can be a little...
We're attempting to get a couples with young children small group off the ground with some people at our church and had our first little...
Since learning my cholesterol rose rapidly in the last year or so (see here), I've pretty successfully changed my diet. This is an update...
With a certain tweet (yes, it's a tweet) making the rounds last week I decided it was time to earn my Minnesotan cred for real. If you...
As mentioned previously, with our bi-weekly CSA, and to a lesser extent our little backyard garden beds, we constantly have a plethora of...
Last year we signed up for a bi-weekly CSA ('community supported agriculture') box through the summer and we did it again here in 2023....
Some of our neighbors, literally the house next door and directly across the street, host a National Night Out party each year, and block...
I didn't bake before I started this blog and started trying a bunch of new things, with one exception: I made chocolate chip cookies. It...
I'm not usually that into cocktails. It should probably be obvious by now my preference with liquor is whiskey, as it comes. But, with...
I love Snickerdoodles, thanks largely to Ravn Alaska (a small airline servicing the 49th state, including Homer) and its humorously fast...
It's the autumn season and time for apples. My wife found a place near us that has a few varieties as well as a hayride and pumpkins too,...
We have more greens and vegetables than we know what to do with this summer, largely due to a CSA my wife signed up for. That's not a...
We've been a bigger variety of produce lately. My wife signed us up this summer for a farm CSA nearby and we'll, most likely, start...
Generally when doing food recipes I want to own the idea start to finish. I decided to make this thing, found a recipe and tried it....
The perfect steak, in my opinion, has a tiny crispy brown burnt layer on the outside and a juicy medium rare, mostly red, center....
I've always been curious about making bread. I'd never done it. By this I don't mean using a bread-maker either, I mean rolling out dough...
Our family went blueberry picking nearby (at Glade Link Farms north of Frederick) and came home with giant bucketful. After a week there...