Paniolo Blended (and Hawaiian stone sour)
This is an unusual one. A whiskey I believe only be available in Hawaii, I bought it on a whim expecting very little because sometimes...
This is an unusual one. A whiskey I believe only be available in Hawaii, I bought it on a whim expecting very little because sometimes...
Dinner was great and stupidly easy last night and I feel a need to share it. That means two food posts in a row, but it's this or nothing...
I felt like making something. We have a bunch of whole wheat flour, which I considerably over-purchased, and poppy seeds and no plan for...
Who doesn't love cookies? I certainly do and felt there was a hole in my so-far meager list of baked items. Generally my favorite are...
I've been toying around with baking ideas, mostly after my wife watched the latest Great British Baking Show (or GBBO) series. First...
With the arrival of our second son, we needed (greatly wanted) reinforcements this December, so my mom was here for a couple of weeks and...
Grilling season is winding down but there are still other foods to experiment with. After stumbling across this recipe for savory scones...
It was Labor Day weekend and you better believe we did some grilling. The most interesting item was a whole chicken done on the Weber...
Lately I've really been craving chicken wings. Since I don't think I've grilled them before (I know we've done slow-cooker and oven...
If you actually know me and didn't already know the following I apologize for not sharing. We're expecting our second child in December....
I've done brisket on the smoker a couple times. It had always been flats before, though the last one was enormous (for a flat) at...
I didn't make ribs in the last few days. I've been saving this idea for when I don't have anything else ready, like today. The last time...
This is the second time I've made this cake. The first happened because I craved some lemon cake and found a recipe. It turned into a...
In the approximately 3 months since i last posted about making kombucha, I've only made 3 batches. Part of this was JB004 ended up being...
During spring 2018 we went to the Frederick farmers market and bought a few plants for our little garden beds, mostly pepper sprouts. The...
At my wife's request, I made quiche. She's pretty happy I eat eggs now. I never used to like eggs by themselves or egg bakes but I've...
Due to a couple of factors, this was the first Thanksgiving we spent in Maryland. It was also the first time my wife and I have cooked...
Bottled my fourth batch of home brew kombucha today. I'm kinda breaking the rules, or at least how the instructions read. For a one...
So I decided to make pancakes for Jack this morning. He did not enjoy waiting while I mixed up the batter, but definitely ate them up...