This is an unusual one. A whiskey I believe only be available in Hawaii, I bought it on a whim expecting very little because sometimes that's fun. After initially not knowing what to do with it, recently it's been going into a new cocktail my wife is enjoying. So before it's gone let's take a closer look.
Paniolo whiskey is made by Hali'imaile Distilling Company on Maui. We visited the island, but not the distillery, in January 2020 and I picked up a bottle of their 'Blended Whiskey' from one of many ABC stores (I think in Lahaina). The distillery opened in 2005 and is located, as they say, 'in the heart of Maui's pineapple region,' where naturally they make pineapple flavored whiskey. Generally I avoid any flavored whiskey but this was an interesting novelty, plus one I'd likely never see again. Luckily grabbing it was a good choice.

The name Paniolo originates with the Mexican cattle drivers who arrived with the first cattle brought to the Hawaiian islands. British captain George Vancouver's gift to King Kamehameha was the beginning of a ranch culture that still exists today. And the Mexicans who initially tended them, becoming the first Hawaiian cowboys, became known as Paniolo, literally 'cowboy' in Hawaiian.
That the product isn't made entirely on Maui is actually a point in its favor. From what I can tell Hali'imaile sources Bourbon from somewhere in Kentucky and then blends it with a pineapple distillate of their own creation. It then ages the blend for at least three years before bottling and selling it. After doing some Googling I can't find out much more information, so what we have is already succinctly described on the bottle as 'Paniolo Blended Whiskey brings mainland history and Island tradition together once again.'
ABV - 40% (80 proof)
Mash - Unknown, includes pineapple
Maturation - Unknown, presumably some kind of oak barrels
Age - At least 3 years
Location - Makawao, Maui
Price - ~$45 (I don't remember what I actually paid)
Tasting Notes:
Smell - Mostly brown sugar and vanilla, Bourbon-y
Color - Dark, really reddish brown, probably fake
Taste - Sweet Bourbon (caramel, brown sugar, vanilla), then some late hitting pineapple
Finish - Overall kinda thin, slight burn, burnt sugar and pineapple hangs around
Final Thoughts:
Even if there's nothing incredible here it's much better than you'd think. The apparent but secondary pineapple melds well with the Bourbon, and the spirit doesn't seem overly young. It's still enjoyable though I wouldn't ever choose this over a favorite Bourbon. Its best use will always be in cocktails like the one below.

After deciding to look for a recipe to use this with, I settled on something called a Hawaiian Stone Sour. Here's how to make it:
- 1.5 oz Paniolo Blended Whiskey
- 1 oz pineapple juice
- 1 oz lemon juice
- 1 oz simple syrup (1:1 sugar to water)
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker mostly full with ice. Shake generously (at least 15 seconds) so that the drink is nice and frothy. Then strain into a glass and serve, done. Without this whiskey, replace with any Bourbon and add an extra half ounce of pineapple juice. It's not as tart as a typical whiskey sour, the pineapple really adds something and it's super easy to make.
For other ideas see the Hali'imaile cocktail page. Aloha!