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Limoncello cake

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

This is the second time I've made this cake. The first happened because I craved some lemon cake and found a recipe. It turned into a nice addition to a winery day with friends.

I don't usually set our meal plan or spend much time thinking about things I want to make in the kitchen. Sometimes I stumble upon an interesting recipe to try and just go for it. I'm pretty sure this was legitimately the first cake I'd ever made from scratch. Here's the recipe I followed both times. The only ingredient to seek out originally was the Limoncello, which is what makes this special. Any liquor store should have a couple options.

For weeks I've been looking at that liqueur bottle in the pantry and finally decided to do it again. I made a couple deviations from the article this time, though followed its advice in those cases. I didn't have enough cake flour for the whole cake, so mixed it with all-purpose. Same for sour cream, I mixed it with plain yogurt.

Let's do it. Ingredients:


1/2c sour cream

1/2c plain Greek yogurt

2 eggs

3/4c granulated sugar

1/4c vegetable oil

1 tsp vanilla extract

3 tbsp Limoncello

zest from 1 lemon (a citrus 'zester' needed for this)


1+1/8c cake flour

1c all purpose flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt


1c powdered sugar

4 tbsp Limoncello


1. Preheat oven to 350, use cooking spray on a full size 12-quart bundt pan

2. In a stand mixer, add all the wet ingredients, mix well

3. In a large bowl, add all the dry ingredients, stir

4. Add dry ingredients to wet in stand mixer and mix until combined, don't over do it

5. Pour batter into bundt pan and spread out with a spatula

6. Bake 40 minutes, use toothpick trick to tell if done (comes out clean)

7. Cool 10 minutes in pan before flipping onto cooling rack, should come right out

8. Put piece of parchment paper or tin foil underneath the cooling rack

9. Mix together frosting ingredients and pour onto cake, much will soak in and the rest will be caught by the paper underneath for easy cleanup

10. Slice and enjoy!

It's easy to make, the lemon flavor is delicious and the cake light and moist. The Limoncello, something I always pronounce wrong, adds a delightful bit of booziness without a worry about the alcohol content. I just wish someone would help us eat it.

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