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First real busy summer

Time flew the fastest this summer and I'm both kinda sad it's over and glad for it. Prior to this year we'd travel a little bit and...

Big travel and big emotions

Last week we were in Alaska again and, while it's always a good trip, it brings some challenges both physical and emotional. From MSP...

Learning about myself through my son

I'm sure I've said in the past how kid #1, our son, is basically my Mini-Me. It's not a reference to how he looks, it's that he generally...

I'm her person

The first year with a kid can be a challenge for a dad. It's hard to connect with a little baby like a mother does, we don't have the...

So very tired (sleep training)

With our first two children, the boys, we had few problems with sleeping through the night. #1 from birth was an incredible sleeper and...

Confidently incorrect

I often get annoyed with our eldest son, too often. There are other circumstances, to be sure, but one type of interaction has really...

Starting school

Summer is over and it's the school year again. Before now that didn't mean a lot, even when #1 was in preschool four days a week that's...

Only one card to play

I never did a follow-up for potty training boy #2 and that's warranted. Surely I don't remember everything from doing this with #1, but...

Suddenly, friends

Our kids have always had friends, of one kind or another, though until recently they've mostly been through friends of my wife and I, or...

The longest week

Last week we started potty training our #2 child. It was probably the longest week of my life. This is one of those parts of parenting...

Six weeks into home with three

Less than two years ago I wrote about my first couple weeks home alone, during the week when my wife was back at work, with two kids. I...

He speaks!

Our #2 child is now two years old and he's, up to this point, not been a talker. He came out of the womb sucking on two fingers on his...

Is this favoritism?

I don't think we, as parents, want to have a favorite kid. Nothing good comes of that. Ideally we resist the urge and treat our offspring...

A baby, a diversion and a strike

My last post bemoaned a weird stage where we were ready for a baby but she wasn't ready to join us yet. Well, to our relief, our little...

Waiting is the hardest part

Kid #1 was born a day or two after his due date. Kid #2 was unexpectedly early, by more than a week. So with the expected arrival of kid...

Setting a good example

The aspect of parenting I seem to be struggling with most these days is setting a good example. This isn't across the board as I, for the...

She's gonna be three

The jokes are funny because they're true. A first child gets all the attention to his/her self. First-time parents tend to be much better...

Two little readers

I touched on this briefly in discussing my week without a computer, but it's such a nice part of our boys at their current ages and I...

12 months, the baby tornado

Six months ago I wrote about the joy of babies at six months old. Six months is the beginning of more interactive behavior, but a key...

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