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Disney remakes

What's the real motivation behind all of the 'live-action' remakes of Disney animated classics in recent years? Is it simply a straight...


Hamilton was, and is, a national phenomenon. I never thought we'd see it and like many others was quite happy it'd be streaming on...

Colonel Taylor Small Batch

Today's whiskey review is of a bottle I found for a great price in Alaska of all places, the Colonel E.H. Taylor Small Batch. The Grog...

Am I ready?

I really tried to finish enough blog posts to cover an absence of more than a week. Not quite succeeding, at least I only missed one....

Origins of the Louvre

Well I'm still tackling Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts, and as always not making enough time to read. Even missing a lot of context...

Yellow Spot 12

I really like Green Spot, a relatively premium NAS Irish whiskey. It's probable we first tried it in Ireland on our 2015 trip there,...

Assateague Island

One of the cooler places we've visited since moving out east is Assateague Island on the Maryland/Virginia coast, part of the Delmarva...

Knives Out

I like movies, but I'm rarely up to date on most current ones. I see, generally, a number of comic book films and rare others (say,...

Angel's Envy

Tonight I'm reviewing Angel's Envy Kentucky straight Bourbon whiskey finished in Port barrels. What a mouthful. It's made by Angel's Envy...

The Americans s1

Well I'm finally watching the Americans, a show long near the top of my list. And, shocker, I'm loving it (on Prime btw). Only through...

Smoking a whole packer brisket

I've done brisket on the smoker a couple times. It had always been flats before, though the last one was enormous (for a flat) at...

2! Where has the time gone?

Our son Jack turned two. I can barely believe it. It doesn't, by any means, feel like we brought him home yesterday. I was still working...

Monkey Shoulder (Batch 27)

Tonight's whisky is Monkey Shoulder, which will be my first 'blended' Scotch review. For a refresher, a blend combines whisky from...

Tom Bombadil

Tom Bombadil is a totally random Lord of the Rings character and if you've seen the movies but not read the books, you've likely never...

Pellet smoker ribs

I didn't make ribs in the last few days. I've been saving this idea for when I don't have anything else ready, like today. The last time...

Glendronach 15 Revival

Tonight's whisky is the Glendronach 15 year 'Revival.' I already loved the 12 year thoroughly, it's a great example of a 'sherry-bomb.'...

I'm embarrassed...

to consider myself a Minnesotan right now. Minnesotans hugely pride themselves on their way of life, which includes having competent and...

Better Call Saul

I finished the most recent Better Call Saul season (5) a few days after it premiered. It's been a rare show I keep up with instead of...

Pearl Harbor (Memorial Day)

Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day. It can be easy to enjoy the three day weekend, spending time with your family and...

The Snyder Cut

The 2017 Justice League, a team-up movie of DC comic book characters, was a bit of a trainwreck through and through. Zack Snyder, who had...

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