Son #2 isn't quite six months old yet and he's really a ton of fun right now. A couple years ago I remember our neighbor asking when #1 turned six months because 'it's the best age.' She just said it again and I'm really starting to see her point.
Really tiny babies are not only completely helpless, they're incapable of any interaction. Newborns are so tiny and you need to be careful with them. SIDS is a real concern in the back of your mind. As a dad there's not a ton I can do to help in the care-taking process besides changing diapers, though emotional support and other assistance around the house is certainly recommended. After a few months the baby puts on some weight and can start to see better but still doesn't do anything but eat, poop and pee, sleep and cry.
At more than six months a kid becomes mobile. That's terrifying and exciting at the same time. It's always enjoyable to watch a little one grow up and develop, but suddenly you need to be hyperaware of anything that could go in their mouth, sharp corners or hard objects, and stairs or other spots for potential falls. The early stages of walking take this up a notch.
Then there's obviously what's next, toddlers. Toddlers can not only walk, they start to run. They don't want to eat anything but snack foods. They demand constant attention and throw fits when they don't get precisely what they demand right now. And they ask hundreds of questions a day. That's more or less where we are with #1 and it's really making me appreciate this moment in time with #2.
At right around six months, babies are a joy. While not in any way mobile, they start to gain physical skills. Ours is flipping from back to stomach almost every time we put him on the ground. Eventually he gets mad, but he usually chills there a while. If we put him in an area without anything small in his vicinity we don't need to be concerned things will end up in his mouth. He's demonstrating better head control and seems to like working on sitting and standing. And better than anything else, he's now interactive. He gets excited when you come over to pick him up or play. He wants to see what you're doing. He laughs when you tickle him or make funny noises and faces. The laugh is totes adorbs btw. He's grabbing everything, like dangling objects on his jungle gym or other toys that he can chew on. We've started using the jumper, though he's not going up and down yet. He's doing his best at 'talking,' making noises in imitation of us, and it's getting easier to read what he wants. Overall spending time with him is great.
Yes, he's still a baby. There's crying when needs aren't being met. He needs milk every 2-3 hours and it's hard to be out of the house for long. He occasionally blows out of his diaper and that's really not fun to clean up. But soon he'll be eating, and throwing, lots of real food and crawling and all that comes with that. We have to soak this moment up.