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The movie idea I had for today got pushed. (Swear I owned the DVD, but apparently not.) So instead, I'm blogging about blogging. It's...

Octomore 7.1

It's a peat night. As I've said before, my wife's favorite whiskeys are from Islay, where nearly all peaty Scotch originates. I believe...

Link's Awakening

It's funny Link's Awakening is the first Zelda post here, but that's what I'm playing rn. The Legend of Zelda is the best video game...

Whiskey 103: age statements

Lesson three in this whiskey series is about age statements. Previous lessons: 101 - Whiskey or whisky? 102 - How to order and drink The...

The American Crisis

We all need encouragement from time to time. Right now, many people do. This reminds me of a particular favorite piece of writing, The...

Top 5 favorite shows

Most of us are stuck at home right now, thanks to the VID. Maybe you're looking for something to watch and if so, I'm here for you. These...

Holding pattern

It's a weird time, since nobody really has any idea how long this coronavirus ish will last. Social distancing seems to be necessary but...

Mindhunter s1

In the 60s and 70s, America had a number of sequenced murders. Everyone's heard of Charles Manson and there were a number of others too....

Whiskey 102: how to order and drink

Here's lesson number two. Last time we covered the basics of some terminology, labeling and production. Now, how to enjoy it properly....

Boy, that escalated quickly

Since it's really the only thing happening right now, might as well write about the coronavirus, COVID-19. It's been some 24 hours. Last...


Honestly I hated the movie, though it's been a really long time. The humor and accents didn't balance out the violence and lasting...

Springbank 10

Haven't done a whiskey review for a while. Kept intending to, but was stuffed up for a couple weeks and you don't want whiskey if you...


I still play Pokemon Go when I can, make fun if you must. It's long become a game only played by a loyal group of adults, you don't see...

Haze craze

If you haven't noticed, 'Hazy IPAs' (and sometimes Pale Ales) have taken over the craft beer market. More traditional lPAs were not...

Joe Boocha update

In the approximately 3 months since i last posted about making kombucha, I've only made 3 batches. Part of this was JB004 ended up being...

Whiskey (or Whisky?) 101

Seems to me many people are kind of clueless about whiskey. It's become a major hobby of mine, and something I like to share with people....

Dark Phoenix

I didn't want to see Dark Phoenix. Honestly it was the only X-men film I missed in the theater (excepting the first two Wolverine solo...


A few nights ago I randomly started watching 'Dolemite is My Name,' another Netflix production. I heard it was a top 10 film of 2019...

Get Joe Pickles

During spring 2018 we went to the Frederick farmers market and bought a few plants for our little garden beds, mostly pepper sprouts. The...


A little late to the bandwagon, but I'm finally watching the Mandalorian on Disney+. It's helmed by Jon Favreau, who continuously does...

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