Hey, I'm Joe. My wife has been encouraging me to blog for a while now and I'm finally going to give it a try. I really couldn't care less if anyone reads this but it should be fun and useful for me as a creative outlet where I can organize and save things I think are fun or interesting or whatever.
This post is a dumb one, but I feel like it's a good enough place to start. What I should be doing is something on my to-do list like writing the Best Man speech for a wedding next week. Eh, I'll get to that later.
Get me two?
This started in college. A few friends and I from the University of Minnesota went on a Booster Club trip with a few bus loads of students to an away basketball game at Northwestern. The Gophers lost the game, of course. We stayed in a cheap hotel in Evanston that night and all we really ended up doing was chilling in the room and watching TV. The highlight was Point Break, the original with Keanu Reeves and Gary Busey, obvi. What was most enjoyable to us was Busey, especially this line.
It kind of became an inside joke. My wife later made us all t-shirts with the shape of the state of Utah on it that I gave out at our wedding to the original group. I've held on longer than any of those other guys at this point but that's due to my main fantasy baseball team being named '6-4-3 get me two!'
Like I said, it's dumb. But this blog needed to be named something and this is as fitting as anything else. So that's what I'm going with.
I do wish I could try one of those sandwiches though.