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Olivia Colman - Queen or no?

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

So I have to admit I love The Crown. It's great TV, largely due to lavish production and phenomenal acting, but also it's the real history and the royal family's intersection with it. Through seasons one and two, Claire Foy was great. And since I hadn't seen her elsewhere, she was simply The Queen to me.

In s3 they overhauled the cast, with Olivia Colman taking over as Queen Elizabeth. There has been some figuring out who's now playing whom, but overall they did a fine job with all that. It was a problem that I had seen Colman in other roles, though I couldn't place where. Pulling up her filmography in another tab... Hot Fuzz? The Iron Lady? So far on the Crown she has been utterly fantastic, but it took a few episodes before I saw her just as Elizabeth. Suspension of disbelief can be a funny thing, but she's assumed the role in my mind.

So I'm usually watching something with my wife, which currently is The Crown, and something else by myself. This week I started binging Broadchurch without looking at the cast list and a bit into the first episode I realized where I knew the main woman detective character. Because of course. The Queen is also now doing detective work in a small coastal tourist town. Not sure where she finds the time.

via Daily Express (found on Google Images)

This post is dumb, but it was fun.

Seriously though, Broadchurch really grabs you and has been incredible so far. A boy is murdered, and you are shown the impact this has on the family and community, and how everything is connected. Growing media attention never helps anything. I'm trying to figure out how this goes three seasons, but I'll just have to see. Haven't even finished the first yet.

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