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Frederick, MD

In my head I wanted to have this done the day we moved. Missed that deadline by, uh, a lot. I don't want to dwell too much in the past...

Just Maryland things

There's bound to be culture shock moving from one part of the country to another. Going from Minnesota, home of 'Minnesota Nice' and an...


The Confederates invaded north into Union territory twice during the Civil War . The second invasion culminated with the most famous and...

Hiking in Frederick County

While I wasn't excited to move to Maryland when we made the jump in 2014, I've since come to love a number of aspects of living here. One...

Minnesota vs Maryland: driving

It turns out lots of behaviors you learn and know in life are largely regional, and this becomes profoundly clear when leaving your...

Assateague Island

One of the cooler places we've visited since moving out east is Assateague Island on the Maryland/Virginia coast, part of the Delmarva...

Fort McHenry

We have a board book that explains the origins of the Star Spangled Banner. It's on our main level where we generally hang out, so I read...

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