JoeFeb 15, 20224 min readThe reverse searThe perfect steak, in my opinion, has a tiny crispy brown burnt layer on the outside and a juicy medium rare, mostly red, center....
JoeMar 30, 20213 min readCleaning out the pellet grillUsing a pellet smoker isn't all fun and delicious games. That thing needs some maintenance. So each spring brings another must-do task...
JoeDec 29, 20204 min readSmoked pork shoulderWith the arrival of our second son, we needed (greatly wanted) reinforcements this December, so my mom was here for a couple of weeks and...
JoeSep 8, 20203 min readGrilling a whole chickenIt was Labor Day weekend and you better believe we did some grilling. The most interesting item was a whole chicken done on the Weber...
JoeAug 21, 20204 min readUsing a charcoal grillNearly all my friends use gas to grill, so I thought I'd do a little explainer on charcoal and why it's preferable. My wife was (*Bane...
JoeAug 13, 20203 min readSmoked chicken wingsLately I've really been craving chicken wings. Since I don't think I've grilled them before (I know we've done slow-cooker and oven...
JoeJun 15, 20205 min readSmoking a whole packer brisketI've done brisket on the smoker a couple times. It had always been flats before, though the last one was enormous (for a flat) at...
JoeJun 3, 20202 min readPellet smoker ribsI didn't make ribs in the last few days. I've been saving this idea for when I don't have anything else ready, like today. The last time...
JoeNov 30, 20193 min readThanksgiving turkey on the pellet smokerDue to a couple of factors, this was the first Thanksgiving we spent in Maryland. It was also the first time my wife and I have cooked...