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A favorite movie each year

10 years ago a friend suggested making a list, selecting a favorite movie from every calendar year. It's a fun idea, and one that...

Top 10 favorite movies

It's been on my mind for a while to do a top 10 movies list. The problem, more than anything else, was I wasn't fully sure what I wanted...

Fantastic Mr. Fox

I don't know why I ever doubt Wes Anderson. Though, maybe 'doubt' isn't the right word. For whatever reason I always hesitate after...

Princess Bride

I retweeted something the other day, kept thinking about it, then did it again. It's perfect for how we all feel right now and I love it...

Top 5 favorite shows

Most of us are stuck at home right now, thanks to the VID. Maybe you're looking for something to watch and if so, I'm here for you. These...


Honestly I hated the movie, though it's been a really long time. The humor and accents didn't balance out the violence and lasting...

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