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Ted Lasso

After first seeing ads for Ted Lasso I just wasn't that interested. A show starring Jason Sudeikis, about soccer in England, and on Apple...


Just like Moana before it, our (first) son is currently completely obsessed with Frozen. It's the songs, mostly, though the full movies...


My wife and I finally watched 1917 last weekend and I can't stop thinking about it. If not already apparent I like writing about...

Without Remorse

I read a lot as a kid, certainly more than I do now. In 8th and 9th grade I crushed most of the then-current main Tom Clancy novels....


I'm a big fan of Marvel and the MCU, even if I've never been into actual comic books, and they've been just about the only movies my wife...

A Knight's Tale

I can't help myself. After reading and writing about the Hundred Years War and the Black Prince I was always going to watch A Knight's...

Fantastic Mr. Fox

I don't know why I ever doubt Wes Anderson. Though, maybe 'doubt' isn't the right word. For whatever reason I always hesitate after...

The Crown s4

The Crown is a Netflix made, lavishly produced, phenomenally acted look at the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It's pretty crazy...

The Mandalorian theme

The Mandalorian season two resumed late this year (my thoughts from s1) without missing a beat, and keeps getting better and better. I'm...

Muppet Christmas Carol

Christmas movies aren't a must-do thing for me. Still, every year we see a number of them. Elf (2003) and White Christmas (1954) are my...

To give the Covenant back their bomb

As happens periodically, I'm drawn to play through the old Halo campaigns. It'd been years since attempting Halo 2 Legendary and I hadn't...

King Connery

Sean Connery, probably my absolute favorite actor, died a few weeks ago. There's something fitting about it all ending in the Bahamas....

Artemis and angst

Recently I watched Hotel Artemis, currently available on Prime. Set in Los Angeles in the near future, the city is crumbling and burning...

Weekly reset

My wife has a mostly typical work schedule and is usually only busy during the week. Like most people, the weekends are for everything...


The book I'm reading now was given to me by a friend, and it's called Carnage and Culture. It looks at nine battles where 'western'...

31 days of Halloween

I've watched a lot of movies and, sure, I like horror, though usually only in October as a lead-up to Halloween. My wife is really not a...

Dr. Seuss

Lately we're reading more and more Dr. Seuss . Soon after Jack was born we acquired (can't remember if it was a gift or what) a little...

Rush Hour

Ever since I was a kid I've loved Jackie Chan. While I don't exactly remember how it started, my family would occasionally rent his Hong...

Dalwhinnie GoT House Stark 'Winters Frost'

To coincide with the final season of Game of Thrones, and its total train-wreck of a narrative, Diageo last year released a line of...

Disney remakes

What's the real motivation behind all of the 'live-action' remakes of Disney animated classics in recent years? Is it simply a straight...

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