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Why do I even care?

I rarely, if at all, write about my sports fandom, because I can't imagine it matters to anyone else, especially when using this longer...

The longest week

Last week we started potty training our #2 child. It was probably the longest week of my life. This is one of those parts of parenting...

Oops I messed up my blog

About two weeks ago I was working on a new post. Wix (the site hosting this), when going to upload a picture said I was over my limit for...

Six weeks into home with three

Less than two years ago I wrote about my first couple weeks home alone, during the week when my wife was back at work, with two kids. I...

The Speaker election

Last week it took a few extra days and 15 ballots to elect a Speaker of the House for the new Congress, something unusual but not...

He speaks!

Our #2 child is now two years old and he's, up to this point, not been a talker. He came out of the womb sucking on two fingers on his...

Is this favoritism?

I don't think we, as parents, want to have a favorite kid. Nothing good comes of that. Ideally we resist the urge and treat our offspring...

A baby, a diversion and a strike

My last post bemoaned a weird stage where we were ready for a baby but she wasn't ready to join us yet. Well, to our relief, our little...

Waiting is the hardest part

Kid #1 was born a day or two after his due date. Kid #2 was unexpectedly early, by more than a week. So with the expected arrival of kid...

Setting a good example

The aspect of parenting I seem to be struggling with most these days is setting a good example. This isn't across the board as I, for the...

She's gonna be three

The jokes are funny because they're true. A first child gets all the attention to his/her self. First-time parents tend to be much better...

Roe v Wade was undemocratic

Abortion is the topic of the day as a new Supreme Court decision, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (i.e. 'Dobbs') overruled...

Very different lifestyles

About a week ago we got back from our (usually) annual trip to Alaska. As I've said before we have family near Homer, AK on the Kenai...

Two little readers

I touched on this briefly in discussing my week without a computer, but it's such a nice part of our boys at their current ages and I...

A week without a computer

A big thing right now, when either or both boys are awake, is a constant stream of reading requests. The three-year-old asks verbally,...

Cement vs concrete

Our three year old loves books. He also loves trucks, ever since before he could talk. So naturally we have quite a few books featuring...

Frederick, MD

In my head I wanted to have this done the day we moved. Missed that deadline by, uh, a lot. I don't want to dwell too much in the past...

MLB's blackout rules

I'm a baseball nut, something you probably already know. Figuring out how we're going to watch Major League Baseball, specifically the...

The best decision we ever made

I feel like I've hinted at this before but don't think I've said it outright. Something's been pressing on me lately, a result of moving...

All hockey hair team

As stated previously I'm not entirely sold on living in Minnesota again. I'm missing the warmer weather of Maryland and starting to dread...

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